Possum Removal Brisbane

Trustworthy Possum Removal Service in Brisbane

Possums are a popular wild animal that annoys Brisbane residents and business owners. As possums and other wildlife looks for food and shelter, possums are becoming more and more prevalent in Brisbane. Possums can be nuisance and hazard when they enter your home’s walls, roof, attic, or yard, where they frequently make their homes.

Protecting your property requires the best pest control Brisbane experts. To assess the risk to your property and develop a plan to safely, efficiently, and compassionately remove the offending animal or animals from your property, call Daily Pest Control Brisbane for reliable possum removal Brisbane.

Risks Associated With Possum Infestation

Though they are small, possums can cause too much trouble. It should be regarded an emergency to remove them from both business and residential properties. Due to possums’ potential for the following harm to people, Daily Pest Control Brisbane always suggests that customers schedule a professional service:

Possums can transmit diseases to humans

Possums can transmit diseases to humans

Possums are known to be carriers of a number of diseases that can be transmitted to humans, including leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, and salmonellosis.

Possums can damage your home

Possums can damage your home

If a possum decides to take up residence in your home, it can cause serious damage. Possums are strong enough to rip open screen doors and tear through insulation and drywall in their search for food and shelter.

Possums can be a nuisance

Possums can be a nuisance

In addition to the potential damage they can cause, possums can also be nuisances. They’re known to make loud noises at night, rummage through trash cans, and steal pet food.

Signs of Possum Invasion on Your Premises

Being nocturnal creatures, possums are challenging for homeowners to spot. At night, wild animals prowl through neighbourhoods, and frequently the only signs of their presence are barking dogs or mysteriously missing pet food. In order to protect your property from possums, you must promptly call possum removal Brisbane specialists. If you want to identify a possum invasion, you can look at the signs.

  • Compost piles, trash cans, and vegetable gardens are the areas surrounding your home where possums are most likely to congregate.
  • Possums leave paw prints all over the place and have shining eyes. Act right away if you think this is a symptom of possum infestation.
  • Possums don’t make much noise, if any, thus it might be difficult to tell when one or more of the animals enter a house.
  • Faecal matter is the most blatant indication of possum presence, due to their reputation as untidy eaters, possums may leave behind food scraps or evidence of their foraging activities along the sides of your home.
  • Possums no longer fear interacting with people as much as they once did. As a result, wild animal encounters are far more frequent, making possum removal Brisbane simpler for Brisbane residents to notice them.

Top Facts about Possum

The following specifics concerning these animals will surprise you:

  • Possums are generally peaceful and non-aggressive; however, they have been known to hiss or shriek when threatened and to scratch or bite when attacked.
  • Possums are nocturnal animals, meaning they sleep during the day and graze at night, so you might not observe them trespassing on your land.
  • Possum lies on the ground and appears to be dead. These creatures are regarded as potentially harmful to people.
  • Excellent scavengers, possums will go to considerable lengths to obtain food.
  • They may invade the food you give your pet or scale your house to build a den for their brood in the roof, walls, attic, foundation, or crawlspace.

What Attracts Possum?

If you have noticed possum on your property then you can be sure they are attracted to the following.

Bird nest

Bird nest

They have a propensity for getting into trash cans, bird feeders, compost piles, and pet food. They will also damage nearby bird nests using their amazing climbing skills.

Wooden structures

Wooden structures

Possums from Brisbane will nibble on wooden structures and bury themselves under building foundations. They are always looking for abandoned dens, building openings, crawl spaces, and other structures to hide in as they never create their own dens.



Possums enjoy sweets exactly like humans do. This indicates that items with a sweeter flavour, like fruits, will be the first types of things to draw this animal to them.

Fresh food

Fresh food

You may be sure that the possum will be drawn to your garden if you have one if you are a homeowner. It is a fantastic place for the possum to visit because there is a ready supply of fresh food there.



The fact of the matter is that this animal will be most attracted to trash. This is the reason why the animal will find your open garbage bin to be very alluring.

What Does A Possum Dislike?


It goes without saying that garden lights enhance the beauty of your yard or garden. Possums, however, prefer to stay in the dark and avoid attractive, lit areas.

Ultrasonic sounds

Although ultrasonic sounds are detectable to possums, they are not to humans. Piercing noises frighten possums.

Stinking smell

Possums have a keen sense of smell, and particular odours, including camphor, garlic, onion, and hot peppers, make them avoid certain regions.

Pest Control Brisbane

Why Choose Daily Pest Control Brisbane

There are many reasons to choose Daily Pest Control Brisbane for your pest control needs. Here are just a few:

Quality service

Quality service

With over 10 years of experience in the industry, our team of highly trained and professional technicians provide a top-quality service that is 100% guaranteed.

Affordable prices

Affordable prices

We offer a range of affordable possum removal Brisbane packages to suit any budget, so you can be sure to find a solution that fits your needs and your budget.

Latest techniques

Latest techniques

We use top-notch technology and methods to get rid of your pests quickly and efficiently.



We offer online booking and payment, so you can get started with your treatment right away.

Environmentally friendly

Environmentally friendly

All of our pest control products are environmentally friendly and safe for use around children and pets.

Fast and effective results

Fast and effective results

Our pest control treatments are fast and effective, so you can get back to enjoying your home pest-free in no time.

Our Possum Removal Process

Possums can be helpful in getting rid of ticks around your home and don’t carry rabies, but they can also cause more harm than good. Numerous illnesses still live among these hairy marsupials. They also have the unsavoury habit of foraging in your grass by digging.

The majority of other wild animal species enable our team of skilled possum removal Brisbane specialists to put in place a wide range of pest management solutions. Possum removal from your home can only be accomplished by trapping and eliminating the animals.

Property assessment

These animals are exceptional climbers because they can utilise their tail as an extra limb. Female possums enter your attic in this way to raise their offspring, but we can help you get rid of them.

To begin with possum removal Brisbane, we first assess which area of the attic the possums have taken up residence. The mother will then be removed, either manually, with a snare pole, or with the aid of a trap. The attic will be extensively investigated in the following stage, and all of the baby possums will be removed in the same manner as the mother. Once everything is finished, we will get to work removing these animals from your house. Then, we can assist with sanitising and cleaning your attic!

Preparation of plan

After completing the inspection, the team creates a custom plan. Our possum removal Brisbane specialists divide up the spaces and pick the tools that might be useful. In the strategy, they also include the anticipated time frame and the relocation process.

Removal of possum

Even if the possum is excavating holes in your grass rather than your attic, we still offer possum removal. We’ve discovered that the easiest technique to get rid of a possum is to first identify its living space and preferred routes. Once we know that, we’ll begin placing a trap along those routes. Then, we cover the trap to prevent the possum from growing accustomed to it. Bait is also used to entice the possum into the trap. After that, we hold off on removing the animal from your home until it is captured. Our final step is to permanently keep the possums out of your home so you never have to deal with them again. In order to prevent possums from entering your home or attic, you must search for and block any openings that they might use.

Tips To Prevent Possums

We can also provide you with advice and assist you in taking certain preventative steps for possum removal in Brisbane.

  • Sealing the lid on your garbage can or harvesting your plants as soon as they are ripe.
  • Since possums don’t like bright surroundings, light up your home.
  • When the possum is still out looking for food at daylight, patch the holes surrounding your home.
  • If there are any tree branches that approach your roof, clip them.
  • A fence can also be a fantastic deterrent for possums, as long as it is at least four feet high
possum removal in Brisbane

Possum removal Brisbane is not a simple task. It calls for a tonne of knowledge, tools, and legal state licencing. Therefore, you can save yourself the hassle by simply contacting us! We provide services all across Brisbane, so we can quickly get rid of the possum causing you trouble!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can I tell if I have a possum problem in my Brisbane property?

Ans. You can identify the species you are dealing with since each animal leaves behind a unique indicator. For possums, you might notice external damage, missing pet food, smacking noises, and a peculiar odour.

Q2. Are your possum removal methods safe for both the possums and the residents of the property in Brisbane?

Ans. We support trapping possums using environmentally responsible techniques. All our possum removal Brisbane methods, including setting up traps, deterrents, and detectors, are perfectly safe. We never use any hazardous chemicals as possum bait, either.

Q3. Can you provide possum-proofing services to prevent future possum infestations in Brisbane?

Ans. Our possum removal Brisbane service is always available if you need assistance getting rid of possums in your house or place of business. By locating the pest’s entry points and sealing them, our experts will be able to eliminate the problem.

Q4. Are your possum removal services available for both residential and commercial properties in Brisbane?

Ans. We can offer a prompt, moral, and environmentally friendlypossum removal Brisbane, service for your residence or place of business. We can easily solve your possum problem while making sure that there are no signs of possums still inside or outside of your home or place of business.

Q5. Can you give an estimate of the cost for possum removal and possum-proofing services in Brisbane?

Ans. The number of possums, the number of trips required to eliminate them, the difficulty of closing the access point, and the extent of the necessary clean-up all affect the cost of removal. Please feel free to get in touch with our experts at Daily Pest Control Brisbane if you have any questions concerning the cost of possum removal from your house or place of business.

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Location: 190 Elizabeth St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia